
English Language Institute

Contact Us

English Language Institute
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117

Campus location: Auerbach 220
Phone: 860.768.4399


Based on their program, 学生每周可以在课堂和ELI语言实验室接受多达22小时的教学. Courses emphasize the four main skills: Reading, writing, speaking, listening, 还有额外的语法使用和词汇习得支持.

在ELI注册可以让你参加所有的大学活动,比如俱乐部和大学活动,并在每学期结束时为学术目的提供托福PBT考试. Our courses are non-credited.

Apply for ELI

有兴趣通过ELI学习英语作为第二语言? 根据您申请的课程,需要单独的申请和学费. Click on the links for your specific program. Descriptions for each program is below.

Academic Preparation and General classes


The ELI offers two types of English study: general and academic. Within those two types, 根据学生的需要,有4个不同的学习项目.

General Classes

这个项目是为永久居民和其他需要英语作为日常生活第二语言的非f1学生设计的, such as for their jobs, classes, households, travel, etc. By the end of the program, students will:

  • 在日常生活中能用英语进行广泛的交流.
  • 有创造复杂语法结构的高级能力.
  • have the ability to express abstract ideas, opinions, and processes in both written and spoken English.
  • 有能力在各种全科实践中使用书面英语, such as crafting emails, official requests, or answering open-ended questions.

有三个级别的普通类:初级,中级和高级. These classes run for 4 hours a week for 12 weeks. 目前,通识课程只在晚上5:00-7:00开课,每周开课两次.

Tuition: $616

Fees: $500

Academic classes

这些课程的目的是为学生在学术环境中使用英语做准备. Students will learn the communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening to engage and thrive in their university classes. 这些课程还将使学生为在西式大学的责任和期望做好准备. 这些课程将侧重于如何在美国成为一名成功的学生.S. 并将强调美中两国在教学风格上的差异.S. and the student’s native country.


There are three different academic programs. 根据注册情况,每个项目都有自己的队列. 这些队列将被设计成适合每个单独项目的需要. The information for each program is below:

ELI-only (Academic Preparation)

Choose this program if:

  • 为了学术目的,你需要强化英语语言学习.
  • You need full-time F-1 visa status.
  • You have not applied to any university for acceptance. This includes the University of Hartford.
  • 你是永久居民,需要在白天上兼职英语课.
  • 你想了解更多立博体育官网如何在美国上大学的知识.
  • 你想申请立博体育官网,但需要一点时间.
  • 你想练习英语水平考试,如托福或雅思.
  • 你只想专注于提高你的学术英语技能.

Conditional Admittance


这些学生已经被立博体育官网录取,但需要通过ELI项目来放弃他们的英语要求. 有关如何申请的更多立博网站中文版,请联系国际招生部门(或点击上面的链接).

International Pathway Program

这个项目是为那些想马上开始他们的主要项目和课程的学生准备的, 但在英语水平考试中没有达到要求的分数. 这些学生已经被立博体育官网的某些专业录取. 学生们在学习期间将学习英语和学术课程. Once they complete the program, 学生将继续他们的学术课程,并完全进入大学.

Academic Courses

Full-time enrollment is 22 hours a week, Monday-Thursday 8:30-2:30 and Friday 8:30-10:30 for 15 weeks. The Academic Program has five classes:

  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Academic Success
  • Topical Projects
    -学生利用在英语课堂上学到的立博网站中文版进行计划, create, and present 2 different projects throughout the semester. 这些项目旨在鼓励沟通和合作.
  • U.S. Culture and Communication
    – Students will learn about U.S. 文化规范,同时在学术环境中练习听力和口语能力.
  • Writing
    -学生将学习如何在学术环境中有效地写作. 写作范例包括如何写段落、论文陈述和多页论文.


General Courses

Non-academic classes run for 4 hours a week for 12 weeks. 目前,一般课程只在晚上5点至7点提供.m., twice a week. There is one class per level. 这些课程包括所有的基本技能:读、写、说、听.

立博体育官网学习期间,我度过了人生中最美好的时光. 这是一个与来自其他文化的人一起生活的好机会. 知道我在国外的一年不仅仅是为了学习英语,这真是太酷了, it was also a great experience to learn about other cultures, and grow into a better person.

Miguel Angel Jimenez, Spain

ELI Social and Cultural Events

Faculty & Staff

Judy Lee
English Language Institute

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